
Learning About Iceland

The Land of Fire And Ice

Famous People from Iceland That You Should Know!

Although Iceland is a small country with a population of only 320,000 there are still some celebrities that you should be familiar with especially if you plan on visiting Iceland. It would be a great way to start a conversation... Continue Reading →

Iceland – The Best Place to Be a Woman

For the sixth year in a row, Iceland becomes the best country in the world to be a woman according to World Economic Forum’s gender gap index  It all goes back to Icelandic history. Like I have said before a... Continue Reading →

Is Iceland Expensive?

YES.... The answer is yes, so prepare yourself if you are planning to visit. Many tourists used to ask me why everything was so expensive and there is really not a one reason WHY there are few factors.  I am... Continue Reading →

The Icelandic Fishermen

I was on the Icelandic news website and saw these pictures of the Icelandic fishermen. I have talked a lot about tourism in Iceland, which is basically holding up our economic system, but the second thing that helps our... Continue Reading →

Icelandic Holidays

After getting feedback from my fellow students they seemed excited to know more about the culture in Iceland. So I thought, what is a better way of knowing one's culture better than knowing the holidays they celebrate! So I am going... Continue Reading →

Icelandic Nature

Our nature. We are very proud of our nature. Always when I tell people that I am from Iceland I hear the fact “Iceland is the green one and Greenland is the icy one” and the reason that is, is... Continue Reading →

The Last Name Tradition In Iceland

In Iceland, we do not take the family last name when we get married, but instead, our names mean “the daughter of” or “the son of.” It goes all the way back to the Vikings, like my last name is... Continue Reading →

Iceland 101

Góðan daginn! // Good morning (assuming you are reading this in the morning) I am Malen Rún Eiríksdóttir. (Yeah try saying my last name) I am born and raised in the very beautiful country, Iceland. I am very proud to... Continue Reading →

Iceland, my beautiful country

Kolbrún Bjarnadóttir took this photo

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